Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DIY: Plastic Canvas Bangle

A bangle doesn’t require a clasp, so this bracelet takes only a few materials to create. The hardest part is figuring out the size that’s appropriate for your wrist.

  • Plastic Canvas Sheet
  • Scissors

— AND —
  • Jump Rings (I used four 6mm jump rings)
  • Pliers

— OR —
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Tapestry Needle


— 1 —
With scissors, cut a rectangle from the plastic canvas.

(I first cut a strip of plastic canvas that was the length of the short end of the plastic canvas sheet and was three holes in height. Then I estimated the size of the bangle by overlapping the two ends of the plastic canvas strip until it seemed like an appropriate size and secured it with two jump rings.

I then tested the size of the bangle by slipping it on my wrist. The bangle needs to be large enough to fit over the knuckles yet small enough that it doesn’t look too big on the wrist.

Finding the right size may take some trial and error; I undid and redid my two jump rings a few times to figure out a comfortable size for my bangle. In the end, the length of my bangle was 9 inches. The final cut length of the plastic canvas rectangle depends not only on the circumference of your knuckles, but also the amount you overlap the two ends of the plastic canvas.

Finally, I removed the two jump rings.)

— 2 —
Once you have the correct size for your bangle (and know how many holes you’ll overlap the plastic canvas ends), cut any excess length of plastic canvas. 

Note: remember to cut on the row outside of the final size you want the bangle to be.

— 3 —
With scissors, smooth the edges of the plastic canvas rectangle.

— 4: with JUMP RINGS—
Overlap the plastic canvas ends the number of holes you want (in my case it was ten).

— 5: with JUMP RINGS —
With pliers, thread an open jump ring through the overlapping canvas ends. Close jump ring.

— 6: with JUMP RINGS —
Repeat Step 5 three more times, securing each end of the plastic canvas rectangle. Plastic Canvas Bangle With Jump Rings complete.

Also, consider using two colors of plastic canvas together to create a bangle by overlapping the ends of two plastic canvas pieces.

Overlap the plastic canvas ends the number of holes you want (in my case it was four).

Cut a length of embroidery floss (mine was 36 inches, but it depends on how many holes you wish to overlap in your bangle; obviously the larger the surface area you overlap the more embroidery floss you’ll need to use).

Thread the tapestry needle with the embroidery floss and double/triple knot it. (The knot needs to be large enough that it won’t go through the plastic canvas hole).

Thread the needle through the overlapping canvas ends in any manner you find pleasing. This will secure the plastic canvas ends together as well as add some color and pattern to the bangle. 

Note: I started my sewing in the middle of the plastic canvas piece so the knot and thread ends would be towards the center of the bangle and therefore less apparent from the outside.

When sewing is done, cut the embroidery floss end (giving a tail of at least three inches) and double/triple knot the end. Cut any excess embroidery floss. Plastic Canvas Bangle With Embroidery Floss complete.

Also, consider using the embroidery floss throughout the entire bracelet or try using multiple colors.

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