Thursday, April 26, 2012

DIY: Button Elastic Bracelet

Most of the buttons I bought from Goodwill were fairly generic, mismatched and on the bland side of color. To brighten things up for my Button Elastic Bracelet, I decided to paint my buttons with nail polish since nail polish comes in an array of colors and is waterproof.

  • Buttons
  • Elastic
  • Scissors
  • Nail polish (optional)

— 1 —
Measure the circumference of your wrist and multiply that number by 4. Cut a length of elastic that is that number.

— 2 —
Thread the buttons in the order you want them in; thread an elastic end through one of the button’s holes.

— 3 —
Once all of the buttons are threaded onto the elastic through one hole, align the elastic ends together (in doing so, the bottom button should be at about the middle of the elastic strand).

Thread the buttonless elastic end through a second button hole (and if you’re using four-holed buttons, make sure that you thread through the hole opposite to the already threaded hole).

— 4 —
When the last button is threaded, knot the elastic ends together.

— 5 —
Take one of the elastic ends and thread it through the elastic loop created on the other end of the button strand.

— 6 —
Double knot the elastic. Cut any excess elastic. Button Elastic Bracelet complete.

It took some time to paint all of my buttons. I painted the half the top of the button and side with nail polish, let it dry, and then painted the other half of the top of the button and side with nail polish. And then painted the back of the button in the same manner. And when needed, added a second coat of nail polish. It was rather time consuming (and a bit messy, so definitely have a sheet of paper underneath the drying buttons to protect your work surface).


  1. hi pls I would like to use the pictures of this bead makin in my blog pls can you send me the picture and I also want to link this page....thank you

    1. I'm sorry but I don't really make a habit of sending out my photos, but I appreciate your interest in this post.


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