Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thrifted for $25.21

I got this 1990s pullover dress for $7.99. I liked the colors and Asian-inspired pattern.

I also bought this denim dress for $9.99. It’s a little large on me, but with a belt, I think it looks fine. And it has pockets (I love dresses with pockets).

I have been trying to be pretty good about not buying more fabric because I already have more than I need. But every so often, I falter. And I bought two fabrics. The first is a lightweight pattern fabric for $1.99. I could see it being part of a dress or top.

The second fabric I got was this paisley fabric for $4.99.

I totally didn’t need this Iron Fireman measuring stick…at all…and don’t even know what it’s for, but I just liked it. And it only cost me 25 cents.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sewing Patterns 1*

I love this dress pattern from the 1960s. Super cute with and without the collar

I adore this dress pattern from the 1970s. It looks comfortable and I like the sleeves and the buttons down the front.

This dress and top with pants pattern from the 1970s is nice. I like the collar and detail in the front that adds interest to an otherwise simple garment.

Finally, this separates pattern from 2007 isn’t that exciting to me on the whole—except the skirt. I bought this pattern specifically because of this tiered skirt pattern. I once had a cute purple silk tiered skirt that I loved, but eventually had to get rid of. So when I saw this pattern, I thought I could create my own tiered skirt.

*I realized that I should just number the sewing patterns I have bought to make the titling simpler. So I’m just starting at one now (rather than renaming the prior sewing pattern posts…because I’m lazy).

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Things I Didn’t Buy 37

I like the art on this Treasured Polish Recipes book.

This cover is pretty.

I like the graphic nature of this plumbing book.

And I like the color and simplicity of this filing book.

Finally, this Will Rogers book has an interesting cover.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Singer Sewing Machine

My uncle and aunt generously gifted me this portable vintage Singer sewing machine that appears to be in really good condition. They know I sew and would appreciate this lovely machine.

The machine itself is gorgeous. It looks to be a later model—from the 1950s. I love the lines of the machine, the simple and classic coloring, and the ornate scrolling design. [Pause.] Good design makes me smile.

And I love the wood case it comes with—it doesn’t make it lightweight, but it is sturdy. And it’s sooooo pretty.

It also has a lot of pieces with it. Different feet and bobbins. It looks quite complete. I have yet to try it out; I need to do some reading and watch some online videos to feel comfortable before I start sewing. But I look forward to testing it. I have a pair of jeans that I’ve been wanting to hem for quite some time now; I’ve avoided it since I didn’t think my current sewing machine could take the thick fabric. But I think this Singer machine is strong enough to do it. This was a very nice (and useful) gift.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Things I Didn’t Buy 36

A Care Bears lunchbox. I can’t help but comment: Really? $12.99 for a lunch box? That’s one expensive lunchbox, and Care Bears wasn’t even a great cartoon…

This nightlight is super retro and cute.

I just had to take a photo of this Hirsch-Weis (a division of White Stag), sleeping bag tag. It’s awesome; I love everything about it—the fonts, colors and drawings.

I thought about buying some of these milk crates, but I already have one that I haven’t really used yet, so buying more seemed stupid.

I thought this foldable metal ruler was cool.